March 19, 2010

Apple Sets March 27th Deadline for Apps in iPad App Store

If the runaway success of the iTunes App store has been any indication, Apple is getting ready for an onslaught of new and refined applications from its growing hoard of developers as they jockey for position on what's possibly another big hit - the iPad. Today, Apple sent a note to developers saying they could be included as part of the "iPad App Store", as it is being called, on its grand opening, so long as they submit their app by March 27th, or this upcoming Saturday. The initial apps will be reviewed by Cupertino's App Review Team, who will judge their readiness for the day of unveiling.

Preliminary estimates have said Apple has already sold hundreds of thousands of iPads to eagerly awaiting customers, the vast majority of whom have never seen, let alone touched an iPad, but recognize its significant potential for casual computing and content consumption. Developers, keen not to miss out on what could be Steve Jobs' latest hit, following the iPhone, iPod, iTunes, iMac, and many others in his ten-plus years in his second go at leading the company, are likely salivating at the expanded real estate available on an iPad, when compared to the iPhone, and wouldn't mind becoming one of the many coders who have found financial success through the iTunes store.

Apple's note, sent to iPhone Developer Program members, advises developers to build and test their iPad app using the latest iPhone SDK: 3.2, beta 5, and says only those that use the latest version will be accepted. The app then needs to be submitted through iTunes Connect by 5 p.m. Pacific time on Saturday, March 27th, following which the App Review Team, no doubt under some amount of stress, will e-mail details about your app readiness, and provide feedback on what is needed for final review before the iPad ships.

If developers miss this March 27th date, they will not be considered for the grand opening of the iPad App Store, Apple warns. So if you know an iPhone developer who is looking to hit the iPad on day one, leave them alone for the next week. They've got some work to do.