March 25, 2010

Twitter Highlighting "Clever Accounts" @cleveraccounts

A common aspect of any Web-centric company looking to break out of an early adopter niche to more mainstream acceptance is the highlighting of customers who have been brave enough to take the plunge first. The best of those often make their way into being showcased on the site, hopefully to convince others on the fence that yes, the product delivers real value. Twitter, for much of the last month, has quietly been building out a showcase Posterous blog full of "Clever" examples aimed to make you say, "Now I get it!". Showcased on the site are businesses including North Face, Best Buy and even Dunkin Donuts.

While practically every little move Twitter makes gets dramatically magnified on the Web, response thus far to these new stories and an associated Twitter account (@cleveraccounts) has been remarkably muted. CleverAccounts, for example, only has 300 followers and is on 15 lists, contrasted with 82,000 following @twitterapi and more than 3 million following their main @twitter handle.

It's also telling that these "Clever Accounts" have been fairly quiet, as the Posterous page shows less than a handful of Twitter mentions for most, and no comments on any of the pieces. Authors of the short briefs are Twitter's new head of communications, Sean Garrett, and Jenna Sampson.

As Twitter has expanded, not just its core team, but into new geographies, the company has also spawned a second list, called More @Twitter Accounts, featuring these clever accounts, as well as official Twitter updates from Japan, India, and Italy.

Twitter's case studies on North Face, USGS, Best Buy and others are simple one-pagers, highlighting their use of the microblogging tool. The profiles are very similar to the highly visual case studies you might see on, for example, in their Pro section, but they don't export to PDF for download, as many enterprise companies offer on their site.

You can see these "Clever Twitter Accounts" at or by following @CleverAccounts.