February 17, 2010

Slideshow: Finding Signal In the Real-Time Noise

With more data being created and shared in more places by more people, each of whom is more active in each network, it is no surprise that many people are being overcome by the sheer noise of social media and RSS. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to stop by the Bay Area Real-Time Web Meetup in Oakland and talk about some strategies and tools to help cut through the noise and find the signal. From my6sense (who I am advising as part of Paladin Advisors Group) to Lazyfeed, Mozzler, Cadmus, Twazzup, and others, each can help find personalized or socially recommended content that is more relevant than the unfiltered flow.

The full deck is embedded above, via Slideshare. If you want me to participate in your event, or talk to your company, let me know.