February 15, 2010

Cadmus Launches Personalized Twitter Trending Topics

At the end of January, Twitter introduced local trending topics to show what people in your geography are tweeting about. But some have hoped the service would go further, displaying trends only from those you follow. While that may be on the roadmap, Twitter hasn't promised this feature, and other services are filling the gap. One of the first is Cadmus, which I first profiled back in November as a real-time stream filter.

Cadmus' new introductions, described in the company's blog post, highlight not only topics trending in your stream, but also groups conversations with nested replies to popular updates.

Unsurprisingly, for me anyway, my trending topics in the last few days have been "Buzz", "Google Buzz", "Twitter", "Windows Phone" and "Series", in light of Microsoft and Google's latest announcements.

As with Twitter's Web interface, clicking on a trending topic shows tweets that feature this keyword, but Cadmus, again, only shows updates from those who you are following.

Personalized Results for Google Buzz from Cadmus

A Popular Conversation on Twitter from Cadmus

Cadmus' personalization mirrors that of the new Twitter client from Twazzup which we highlighted last month. It too features personalized topics. Cadmus also pulls in content from FriendFeed and RSS.

You can find Cadmus at http://thecadmus.com.