July 08, 2009

Lazyfeed Poised to Debut Real-time Personalized Blog Search

The overwhelming majority of attention and innovation in the world of real-time search in the last year has been paid to microblogging, with Twitter and FriendFeed making most of the headlines. But a new tool, set to debut in the next two days, called Lazyfeed, is ready to unveil a service that aims the real-search firehose at full-fledged blogs, but has done so in a clean, personalized way, based on your own activity around the Web, and the topics you hand-select as interesting.

The world of RSS readers has been slowly upgrading over the last few years. Google Reader has become the de facto standard, thanks to its simplicity and the social nature of its shared link blogs. The basic elements remain true - you subscribe to a set of blogs, and those items fill your reader, making you responsible to read them one by one, or give up and "mark all as read". Lazyfeed, true to its name, tries to bring the best news to you, by topic, rather than by source, or by friends, as other social networks do. And the result is an extremely compelling way to find new stories that are relevant to your personal interests.

Hot Topics On Lazyfeed

Entering my data into Lazyfeed. Look familiar?

Setting up one's Lazyfeed begins as many different social services do these days - through the addition of your personal network information. I added my blog, my Twitter account, and my Delicious bookmarks. Lazyfeed then checks out your sources, finds tags, and starts to present relevant information. If you write about Google and GMail, like I did in the last two days, Google and GMail may be added as tags and relevant blog posts start to flow in, on the left side of the screen. I can click on the tag to read the posts, and as I do so, new posts that match my relevant tags take the top spot - in real time. The "topics" with new posts take the top spots, while the one with oldest data sinks to the bottom.

Helpfully, Lazyfeed makes it very easy to build out your list of relevant tags. If, for example, you selected Twitter as a topic, it will offer up relevant topics, such as Facebook, Socialmedia, Socialnetworking and Web 2.0. Clicking on any of these relevant topics feeds you, yes, relevant posts on those topics, and you can add any of these topics to the list in your account.

Personalized Topics Just for Me From Lazyfeed

Lazyfeed Takes a Look at Apple as a Tag

Lazyfeed's innovation makes the old-school blog directory, Technorati, look like chicken feed in comparison. And instead of being forced to read every single post from blogs that I subscribe to, Lazyfeed presents me with only topics that I am clearly interested in, and ends up being a fantastic discovery tool for new blogs that I may not have known. While I have personally relied on social networks like FriendFeed and word of mouth to find new sources for blogs, Lazyfeed looks like a great way for me to find blogs that publish often, which are targeted to my interests.

Lazyfeed Shows Social Networking and Status Search

When I met with Lazyfeed last month, I thought the company's service had incredible potential, not just for when you are logged in, but even for the casual, not logged in user. The company knows, in real time, what popular tags are filling up feed readers. It also knows the timing of posts, and could theoretically, dynamically, present to you the trending topics of the blogosphere, or make it simple to use a directory-like format to drill down and find blog posts on topics (like Yahoo! or Open Directory). With time they could get there, but they already have taken a big step forward, by introducing what are called "Hot Topics", much like Twitter Search's trending topics - which brings common conversations around mass media trends, from "Michael Jackson" to "Swine Flu", etc.

Lazyfeed is the most innovative approach to the real-time blog search world that I have seen, period. It's interesting enough to make me want to make this a very big part of my Web experience, in addition to Google Reader, FriendFeed and the rest. You can find Lazyfeed at http://www.lazyfeed.com.