March 14, 2009

Facebook Connects With the iPhone for Mobile Social Apps

Today at the SXSW Interactive event, Dave Morin, Facebook's senior platform manger, introduced a wide-ranging integration of the company's Facebook Connect platform with iPhone applications, aiming to connect friends, using their true identities, through popular mobile apps. As Morin described during the standing room only panel, "your iPhone apps can now have friends."

In the last few weeks, Facebook has made significant changes in how they help its 175 million users share information, including expansions to the network's social graph and a revamped feed stream, but also has talked up what's a new move for the previous walled garden - looking to connect Facebook and your data on the network with the rest of the Web.

Morin said the updates start with profiles for "everyone", not just individuals but also, brands and companies. The new Facebook, now available on the Web, on the desktop and on the iPhone, essentially helps you "map out the most efficient way for you to connect to your friends," he added.

At launch, the new Facebook Connect for the iPhone will be supported by many of the most popular iPhone applications, from Tap Tap Revenge to Urban Spoon and the Social Gaming Network's array of applications, including iBowl, iBasketball and iGolf.

With such a huge user base, application developers are going to be extremely eager to attach to Facebook, undoubtedly, and the iPhone has still not yet peaked. I can expect to soon log in to any of my iPhone apps and take on friends and family, as the company looks to become the standard for your personal identity online, if you're at your computer or mobile.