October 14, 2008

Podcast: Interview With Talk Social News on Innovation, Startups

Sunday morning, I had the opportunity to participate in a podcast with Wayne Sutton and Kipp Bodnarf for their Talk Social News broadcast. During the discussion, we talked about how the economy could possibly be impacting Web companies, whether or not living in Silicon Valley has its benefits for tech bloggers, how to use multiple social media networks, and to still find time to take care of family and work obligations. The conversation also touched on what could be coming next in terms of social media innovations, and the accumulating pressure to perform as you become more visible. The duo also, less successfully, tried to get me to pick which companies might be in real trouble during a global economy downturn.

As I find it's good practice to listen to podcasts you participated in, to learn from them and do better in the next round, I found myself listening to the Talk Social News recording yesterday, while on the plane from San Jose to Texas, where I am staying through Thursday. Luckily, I still found the discussion interesting as an audience member.

You can download the podcast here or read their recap on their Web site. The interview with me starts about 10 minutes in after Wayne and Kipp do some upfront work.

After you've listened, let me know if you think my opinions were wrong or off base. And we're always looking for feedback. On the next podcast, what do you think I should try and get discussed?