May 19, 2006

Morning Notes: May 19, 2006

More in an irregularly occurring series...

We're back on the West Coast, where we belong... just in time to see Barroid and the Giants take on the A's at the Coliseum this weekend. Should be fun!

Speaking of which, the A's, one quarter of the season through, have amassed a bevy of statistics, some good some bad. Blez from Athletics Nation passes out first quarter grades. Add your own, or read up to gain insight.

Al Gore may graduate from having been a recent losing presidential candidate (to Bush, no less) to being the star of one of the most-important films this summer - An Inconvenient Truth, focused on the greenhouse effect, what's happening to our planet because of it, and what we can do about it. The trailer alone makes it a must-see.

The United Nations struck against the US today, saying we should close Guantanamo Bay, due to rampant reports of torture and prisoner abuse. What's one of the major disappointments in this administration's rule is the idea that we don't have to pay heed to the UN, and can act unilaterally. I don't expect that Bush and Co. are going to listen this time either.

Listening to ''Realizer'', by The Crystal Method (Play Count: 34)