May 15, 2006

Are TV Executives Crazy? Conviction Canceled

Well, that sure didn't take long!

NBC has unveiled their Fall 2006 lineup, and while we have to applaud the deletion of "Fear Factor", "Joey" and other subpar fare, I was surprised to see that yet another Law and Order spinoff has bitten the dust, as the axe was taken to Conviction, after only one season of the promising show, which, in my mind anyway, had become more interesting than the standard L&O fare.

With the conclusion of West Wing just yesterday night, it clears up yet another Season Pass slot on our TiVo - but neither one of them had been requested.

TVSquad argues that they had in fact expected curtains for Conviction, saying, "The storytelling style on Conviction was so complicated that it was virtually impossible to feel anything for any of the characters." I'd argue that's not the case, but if people were looking for simplicity, they were coming to the wrong show.

I'm tired of enjoying professional shows that make complete sentences and use words that contain more than five letters every once in a while, only to be reminded that the typical American prefers their shows to have bare midriffs, fan voting, celebrities exposed, and gun shots every 4 minutes.

Isn't there some way that shows like Conviction and West Wing can continue on a more-intelligent network? God knows we have enough TV channels.

Listening to ''Prosac'', by DJ Tomcraft (Play Count: 7)