May 14, 2006

As TV Seasons End, Everybody Dies

It's a double-edged sword - TV series are supposed to accelerate ratings as seasons come to their conclusion, while others have major or minor stars moving on, whether due to contract negotiations or new opportunities that come up. So, in the last few weeks, especially the final two weeks, it's increasingly likely that stars you've come to expect to see week in and week out, well, they're going down in a hail of bullets.

This Sunday afternoon, as we plowed through CSI, Law and Order and Conviction, while seeing previews for season finales for just about everything else, we saw people get shot, and others promising plenty of violence as their seasons come to an end.

You'd think we get used to it, and of course, we are. We're not surprised when assistant district attorneys are held at gunpoint, or kidnapped, or shot. We're not surprised when police chiefs come out on the losing end of negotiations with a suspect. So, the thrill is somewhat gone, as we understand the back-room dealings that go into what's supposed to be compelling television. And in some cases, we know they're leaving, and are just curious how the people will be written out of the show.

Of course, that doesn't count West Wing. That show, still the best out there, wraps up tonight, and it's all done. We'll be sure to catch that as close to live as possible, TiVo permitting.

Listening to ''The Hardest Part'', by Coldplay (Play Count: 6)