June 10, 2011

OneTrueFan Unveils Fan Engagement Analytics for Blogs

Even if you run the most sophisticated visitor analytics software, connecting impersonal IP address data and browsing history to real people can be a challenge. Only through external activity on social networks, or through blog comments can you get a real picture of the people who take in your content. OneTrueFan, which I've happily sported on this blog practically since the product's launch, continues to try and eliminate the mystery, helping content providers connect with their community, and for the visitors, find others with similar interests across the Web. In that vein, OneTrueFan has introduced detailed fan engagement analytics that go a step beyond traditional visit statistics, helping you get an idea of which of your regular readers' took in a specific story, or shared it downstream. In time, you can get a great picture of what stories resonate with which readers, making the impersonal personal.

OneTrueFan Fan Analytics for ReadWriteWeb

On launch of the new fan engagement analytics, OneTrueFan has also unveiled a list of the top 25 tech sites as measured by fan engagement - giving you a look into these site's live statistics, day over day changes, and a live scrolling of all the content being shared downstream.

Top Pages Visited by LouisGray.com Fans In the Last Day

The stats, which you can preview for these top 25 properties, highlight the most popular pages in the last 24 hours, along with avatars of these top fans who engaged with the content, and shows which sites are popular with that site's fans. Unsurprisingly, especially in the world of tech, you can see many people are fans of multiple sources. For those running the OneTrueFan bar, you can dive deeper into the data, seeing impressions, fan reach, new users, shares and even data on how the bar is being used or hidden.

Sites Popular With LouisGray.com Readers and Top Pages

OneTrueFan is a lot more than a simple bar that shows you the top ten fans of the site. I make the bar a must install on all my browsers on all my computers to help me share content downstream and track my browsing history. There's value to the viewer, and now, increasing value to the content provider who gets a real live look in to what their most engaged fans are doing with site content.

For months, I've gotten questions about why I've given OneTrueFan such prominent space on this site, all free of charge. I've done it not just because I like the team, who brought MyBlogLog to the world seemingly ages ago, but because I like seeing real faces and encouraging sharing of my content. The world may be built on ones and zeros, but it doesn't have to look like it.

If you have a blog, I would encourage you to add their bar and start getting real fan analytics. If you browse the Web, check out the browser extension, and find out what people like you have been sharing. It's a thinly spread social network for the entire Internet. OneTrueFan, as always, is here: http://www.onetruefan.com/