June 05, 2011

New Chrome Extension Lets You +1 Tweets on Twitter

Following the release of the Google +1 button for Web sites (such as this one) last week, the search giant's answer to the Facebook Like button is popping up everywhere. Seth Ladd, a developer advocate for Google, has gone the extra mile, posting a Chrome extension that adds the +1 functionality to Twitter.com, so you can +1 tweets you like, and have them displayed on your Google Profile. This is a lot like Jesse Stay's hack with Kynetx which added a Like button to tweets late last year.

As Twitter's Web site becomes more versatile, Twitter.com has become a target for innovative development for developers looking to bring more functionality to users, including my6sense's relevance tab which we introduced in February, and the word filter posted by Mike Grace, tapping the Kynetx platform. Seth's proximity to the +1 launch as well as his fondness for Google Chrome and HTML 5 (he's one of the more ardent advocates and presented at Google IO this year) no doubt made the interest to bring +1's to Twitter a must-do.

+1 Buttons and Share Counts In the Twitter Stream

The +1 extension for Twitter not only displays +1 next to tweets in the stream, letting you +1 them, but also shows how many other people across the platform have also done so. It's a lot like seeing how many people have favorited or retweeted a tweet within the tweet itself, data which can be harder to find. The extension itself is open source.

Seth's Tweet has Been +1'd 3 Times

Tweets I +1 Show on My Google Profile

The extension itself is JavaScript-based and only is active when on the Twitter.com domain. Seth goes into detail on his post explaining how the +1 extension works, and how he needs to wait for the entire Twitter page to load before displaying the +1 buttons, while also explaining some shortcomings that apply to polling for new tweets in the timeline. Surely beyond version 1.0, those tweaks will come. Luckily, for those who have already grabbed the extension, it should update automatically. Go get it.