February 02, 2011

Foursquare Passes 50 Employees, Adds @Dolapo from AOL

One small and unwritten bit of subtext in July's rumors of a Foursquare and Brizzly engagement was knowledge of Thing Labs' Dolapo Falola moving to New York from the Bay Area. While Thing Labs ended up at AOL later in the year, not part of Foursquare, Dolapo eventually did. The former Googler, Thing Labber and AOLer is now part of the 50-plus strong contingent at Foursquare trying to make the world a geosocial place.

Dolapo (@dolapo) started his software engineering career at IBM before 4 years at Google and moving to Thing Labs in the summer of 2009, where reunited with Google Reader teammates Jason Shellen (@shellen), Chris Wetherell (@cw) and Ben Darnell (@bendarnell), the team created a new Web-based approach to real-time feeds from Twitter and Facebook, spawning the group chat platform, Picnics, now part of AOL's AIM property.

From mid-January, Dolapo Signaled a Change
Today, He Confirms Joining Foursquare

His addition to the Foursquare team pushes employees at the company beyond 50, according to the firm's team Twitter list. (http://twitter.com/#!/foursquare/team/members) The list also includes product manager Noah Weiss (@noah_weiss), another former Googler whose joining was mentioned by Business Insider in mid-January.