August 03, 2009

AustinLifestyles SXSW 2009 Video: Blogging, Apps and Tech Trends

While at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas this spring, I tried to make myself available to not only attend as many panels as I could, but also to participate in video interviews for those who wanted to talk about blogging, tech, social media and lifestreaming. While I already got the chance to publish the one on one discussion I did with Morgan Brown a while back as part of his "100 interviews" program, another video, from AustinLifestyles, had lagged, making me wonder if it would ever show.

But today, I found it had, indeed, published. The video, taped in two parts, is embedded below, via YouTube, and shown back to back. It's already interesting to see how my answers might be a little different just four months later, especially when I hear myself saying Matthew and Sarah are only 8 1/2 months old. (They are now 13 months.)