August 20, 2009

Do PR, Advertising & Marketing Suck? Find Out In a Week.

Criticism of public relations, advertising and marketing is everywhere. Seesmic's Loic Le Meur has been giving a presentation over the last few months saying that they "suck". And agencies need to adapt quickly to be ready for the changes that are seen in social media, the economy and traditional word of mouth.

Next week, on Thursday August 27th, I will be taking part in a panel with Loic, Guy Kawasaki, Steve Patrizi of LinkedIn and Renee Blodgett of Magic Sauce Media, hosted by the San Francisco American Marketing Association, discussing:
  • Is Loic overstating his case?
  • Where are the traditional Advertising, PR, and Marketing agencies failing?
  • What new tools and methods are being used to bypass the need for traditional agencies?
  • What’s next for agencies? What’s next for businesses?
Want to attend?

Ticket Info: SFAMA Members – $35 Non-members – $45
Event Info:

For those out of the area, I have it on good word that a UStream video is being prepared as well.