May 12, 2009

TweetMeme Launches Real-Time Search, Digging Retweets and Links

TweetMeme, the aggregator of popular microupdates that have been sent around the Twitterverse, launched a major update today, adding the ability to search more than 15 million links, including not just the tweets themselves, but also the text from the Web pages, blog posts, videos and images, delivered in real time. The new search capabilities greatly enhance the index, which tracks "the hottest stories on Twitter", and goes head to head with today's announcements from OneRiot, and planned updates from Twitter itself, due soon.

You can find the new TweetMeme search engine here:

Searching TweetMeme for Popular Facebook Tweets

Updating the Same Search for "Best Match"

The search engine indexes new stories as they are found in Twitter, and offers a great deal of filtering and customization. You can sort results by "Best Match", "Age" and "Retweet Count", showing the most popular forwarded tweets. Meanwhile, the results display categories for each update, and you can even filter by the media type, including news, images or videos.

You Can Filter Results In a Number of Ways on TweetMeme

Like any good search engine for monitoring the new world of real-time updates, TweetMeme even lets you sign up to get search results by RSS.

Searching TweetMeme for Shows Most Popular Posts on Twitter

For site owners, like me, the ability to search TweetMeme for your own name or domain name, and sort results by category or popularity in retweets is a great improvement, letting you determine what stories were deemed most popular on Twitter, and you can dive down to see who is getting to the data first and has the most influence, or ability to get their updates redistributed through their network.

TweetMeme is a product built by the team behind, headed by Nick Halstead. You can, of course, also follow TweetMeme on Twitter.