May 08, 2009

Adobe Responds to Service Flub, Promises More Coaching

Earlier this week, I recounted a less then ideal conversation with support representatives from Adobe around my attempting to buy the downloadable version of the company's Creative Suite product. One support rep urged me to buy the physical copy, and another called it a "very big order", despite it just being a single version of a single product. Later in the day, after another amusing live chat with an online support rep, I managed to get Creative Suite after all, about 24 hours after my initial purchase attempt.

To complete the story, today, I got a call from an Adobe representative, apologizing for what she called "inadequate information" I had received, and she added "we will see that the Agent is coached appropriately."

While I felt somewhat sheepish for airing out my grievances for the exchange on the blog, I said I tend to be transparent for both good and bad experiences, and she took the feedback well. Despite Adobe's being lamented on some social sites for not being very active, she wrote me in an e-mail:
"The feedback you provided is excellent, and we welcome any opportunity to be able to coach our staff, improve upon current processes, and understand a customer’s opinion of our services. You are welcome to continue to send comments our way."
While, yes, this could be a corporate spokesperson doing their best to reduce the temperature of a frustrated customer, it was a solid response, one that shows they are listening in a world where the customers also get a turn at the microphone.

The back and forth with Adobe at the beginning of the week can now pretty much be seen as a blip. I have the software. It works, and I was only charged once. And now, I know they can hear me.