August 01, 2008

State of the Blog: July 2008 Recap

July 2008 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published to date: 1,443

Total stories published in July: 54
(About 1.7 per day, up from 1.3 in June)

Total stories in July with comments: 53
(98% of all stories, from 37 and 97% in June)

Total comments on July posts: 783, approx. 14 per post.
(From 493 or 15 per post in June)

July statistics from SiteMeter, with that service's numbers.
(Why show real data? See blog post)

Technorati Authority Ranking: 978 (up 190)
Feedburner Peak in Month: 2,989 subscribers (up 777)
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 64 subscribers (up 8)
MyBlogLog Members: 311 (up 31)

Twitter Followers: 1,569 (Up 312)
FriendFeed Followers: 3,268 (Up 726)

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12 (via SiteMeter): 1st overall.

Month over month growth: 42.6%
Year over year growth: 1,197.9%

Top Five Most Visited July Stories (According to Analog)

1. Seeing the Web's Racist Underbelly Is Saddening and Shocking
2. How Silicon Valley Heavy Are Web 2.0 Consumers?
3. TinyURL Adds Custom Alias Feature To Shortened URL Service
4. The Importance Of Blog Linking Seems to Be Declining
5. Twitter Chokes Unauthenticated API Requests By IP, Sites Gasp for Air

Others receiving votes: TweetDeck: New Twitter AIR App With Summize Integration, Groups, Nine Ways to Enlarge the Social Media Audience, July's Jewels: Five Obscure Blogs that Sparkle, As I Get Older, Some Online "Friending" Gets Creepier, Bloggers' Interactions With Readers Decrease With Prominence, and To Blog, or Not to Blog - That is the Question...

Most Commented-On Articles, According to Disqus:

1. As I Get Older, Some Online "Friending" Gets Creepier (61 comments)
2. Seeing The Web's Racist Underbelly Is Saddening and Shocking (59 comments)
3. Bloggers' Interactions With Readers Decrease With Prominence (53 comments)
4. The Importance Of Blog Linking Seems to Be Declining (52 comments)
5. Twitter Finding New and More Creative Ways to Fail (32 comments)

July of 2008 could have been a challenging one. The first month after having twins, some thought, as did I at times, that the new family obligations could make efforts here come to a screeching halt. Needless to say, that didn't happen. Being on paternity leave for most of the month helped, as did the addition of some great voices as guest bloggers, who I've enjoyed having profiled here. In June, there were guest posts from Cyndy Aleo-Carreira, Jesse Stay, Hutch Carpenter, Colin Walker, Mark Dykeman, Rob Diana, and (jeff)isageek. I hope to see their names here quite a bit going forward, and maybe some new names as well? Stay tuned.

Product news in the month saw new Twitter clients TweetDeck and Posty get some solid traction, the opening up of SocialMedian in beta, AssetBar's launch of FanFlow, the acquisition of Ballhype and launch of Beltway Blips, not to overlook the controversial launch of Cuil, and rollout of the new 2.0 software for iPhone and iPod Touch.

To keep on top of things, subscribe via RSS, via e-mail, follow me on Friendfeed or Twitter, or keep watch on the shared link blog!