August 26, 2008

My Google Reader Leaderboard: August 2008

Last month, I shared with you the top 40 sources for my Google Reader shared items link blog. See: Roll Your Own Blog Leaderboard With Google Reader Trends. As a month has passed and it's the 26th of the month, as promised, here is the list updated for the last 30 days of activity.

First, the dataset:

According to Google Reader, from my 368 subscriptions, over the last 30 days I read 15,566 items and shared 765 items. Month over month, despite adding 32 new subscriptions, they contributed 820 fewer items, and I shared 154 fewer items than in July.

Second: The leaders for August of 2008:

Unlike last month, where items from my own blog held the #2 position, this month, thanks to some strong content from guest bloggers, it held the #1 position with 45 total shares. As mentioned last month, I don't want to manipulate the statistics, so I'm leaving the data here. Close behind in the #2 position for August was Duncan Riley's The Inquisitr, up from #3, and Robert Scoble's Shared Link Blog, which rose from the #14 position. TechCrunch, last month's leader fell to #4, followed by Read/Write Web, which was #4 overall in July. All percentages shown are the result of taking the number of shares in the month per source, divided by the total number of shares. (In this case N/763)

PositionBlog% of Shares
2.The Inquisitr5.58%
3.Robert Scoble's Shared Link Blog5.16%
5.Read/Write Web4.18%
9.9 to 5 Mac1.81%
11.Scripting News1.53%
13.Andy DeSoto1.26%
14.Kyle Lacy1.26%
16.SEO and Tech Daily1.26%
17.I'm Not Actually a Geek1.26%
18.Alexander van Elsas1.12%
19.Stay N' Alive1.12%
20.Twitter Blog0.98%
21.Chris Brogan0.98%
22.Google Blogoscoped0.98%
23.Fred Wilson0.98%
24.Mark Evans0.98%
25.Michael Fruchter0.98%
26.David Risley0.98%
27.Silicon Alley Insider0.98%
29.Rex Hammock0.84%
30.Pixel Bits0.84%
31.Mathew Ingram0.84%
34.Regular Geek0.70%
36.The Boy Genius Report0.70%
37.Sarah In Tampa0.70%
38.Venture Chronicles0.70%
39.Daring Fireball0.70%
40.Stephen Foskett, Pack Rat0.70%

All told, these top 40 sources accounted for 477 of the 765 shares over the last 30 days, or 62.4% of the total, meaning the other 328 sources accounted for 288 total shares, or 37.6% of the total, showing there are a number of sites I consume, but never share, which could include pre-determined searches and the many sports or work-oriented sites I don't share to the public feed. If your feed isn't in the top 40 here, or you think I'm not subscribed at all, but should be, feel free to drop in your site in the comments. And if you're an avid Google Reader shared links blogger, be sure to add your feed to ReadBurner, where I'm an advisor, so it can be counted.

You can find my Google Reader shared items link blog here, or see them included in my FriendFeed.