April 01, 2008

State of the Blog: March 2008 Recap

March 2008 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published to date: 1,266

Total stories published in March: 38
(About 1.2 per day, down from 1.4 in February)

Total stories in March with comments: 29
(76% of all stories, from 36 and 87% in February)

Total comments on March posts: 177
(About 4.6 per post, 6.1 per commented post)

Graphical representation of the site's increased reach...

Technorati Authority Ranking: 371 (up 110)
Feedburner Peak in Month: 827 subscribers (up 206)
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 33 subscribers (up 7)
MyBlogLog Members: 93 (up 26)

Twitter Followers: 313 (Up 146)
FriendFeed Followers: 518 (Up 356)

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12: 1st overall, by 33%.

Top Five Most Visited March Stories (According to Analog)

1. Elite Bloggers Joining FriendFeed In Droves
2. Duncan Riley Misses the Point of FriendFeed
3. 10 Suggestions for Google Reader, One Year Later
4. LinkedIn Company Detail Shows Silicon Valley Carousel
5. LinkRiver Embeds Shared Feed Stats, Attention Data

Others receiving votes: How I Found or Started Using A Dozen Web Services, 5 Blog Candidates for Tomorrow's TechMeme Leaderboard, I'm Not Reading and Engaging With Enough Female Bloggers, My iPod Touch is Rarely Used for Music, ReadBurner to Return With New Ownership, and Shyftr Offers Social RSS Reading, Including Comments, Rankings...

Top Five Visited Archive Stories (According to Analog)

1. February 29th's Leap Day Robs Us All
2. MyBlogLog LifeStream Is a Quiet Trickle
3. Dealing With Offline Companies Can be Such a Pain
4. FriendFeed Opens Up, Raises $5 Million in Funding
5. Starts With B, Ends With N: Six Letters.

As March concludes, it makes me both more eager to see what April brings, and once again raises the bar for what's expected here at LouisGray.com. In March, we saw the world debut of Yokway, MergeLab, Shyftr, and Toluu. ReadBurner died, and then came back. FriendFeed graduated from plucky Web startup to a major force. And guess what? We're far from done, so stay tuned!

To keep on top of things, subscribe via RSS, via e-mail, follow me on Friendfeed or Twitter, or keep watch on our shared link blog!