April 21, 2008

louisgray.com Reader Survey (April 2008)

As the site has grown over the last year or so, the content on louisgray.com has changed. (Go directly to survey)

Sometimes, friends tell me the blog isn't as fun as it once was, while newer readers tell me it's a must-read. I'm sure the answer lies somewhere in between. So if you wouldn't mind, it'd be great to learn how you first learned about louisgray.com, what you're most interested in reading, and where you want the site to go. We are listening.
    1. How long have you read louisgray.com?
    2. How do you access louisgray.com?
    3. How did you first hear about louisgray.com?
    4. What topics do you look for?
    5. Should we focus more or less on certain topics?
    6. What do you like or dislike?
It's anonymous, and only takes a minute, so, get your voice heard, and take the first louisgray.com survey!

Click Here to take the louisgray.com survey! (And thanks in advance)