April 03, 2007

Google Desktop for Mac Is Finally Here

For me, just about the only real benefit to using my Dell laptop at the office is access to Google Desktop and its thorough search capabilities through my six-year Outlook archive. If I've written the message or received it at any point, Google Desktop can find it for me quickly. For nearly everything else, I use the Mac. Now, it appears that after 30 months of neglect, Mac OS X users finally can get their hands on Google Desktop.

While Apple highlights its integrated Spotlight search capability as part of Mac OS X, in reality, Spotlight is a program I try not to use all that often. It's slow, and doesn't present a Web-like interface in the way that Google Desktop does for Windows (or for the Web, of course).

While we're installing the new program and indexing our hard drive, you can check out a pair of writeups from a pair of bloggers with early access, at Ars Technica and TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog). TUAW also offers a screenshot gallery.

To download, visit Google's Mac software downloads page.