Compounding issues, I somehow came down with a bug that had me wiped out on the weekend, with my own temperature spiking above 100 and making my voice sound raspy, like a 60-plus lifetime smoker. I don't often get colds, but it's the second time in as many years that this has happened following a westward cross-country flight. We are back to normal now, and will be posting on a semi-regular schedule going forward.
February 28, 2007
Missing in Action? No, All Over the Map
Compounding issues, I somehow came down with a bug that had me wiped out on the weekend, with my own temperature spiking above 100 and making my voice sound raspy, like a 60-plus lifetime smoker. I don't often get colds, but it's the second time in as many years that this has happened following a westward cross-country flight. We are back to normal now, and will be posting on a semi-regular schedule going forward.