February 14, 2007

4 Days of Spring Training: Just a Month Away

It's never really too early in the year to start fantasizing about A's baseball. After our first full year as A's season ticket holders in 2006, Kristine and I are set to become two-time Spring Training attendees next month, as we plan to travel down to Phoenix and Papago Park to see the A's casually take on four teams in four days.

We first partook of the Spring Training experience last year, inconviently arriving in Arizona the same week as rain hit the area for the first time in months. In fact, the much-anticipated Giants/A's matchup was rained out. But we still had fun, catching a pair of games, and relaxing.

We recorded the experience on the blog here and on AN:

Athletics Nation: Gave Away All the ANtics to the A's Players

Though it's still February, we can't wait to take a few days off and welcome the Spring in the right way - with baseball. We will be arriving in Phoenix to see games from March 16th through March 19th, and hopefully will find time to bump into our friends from Athletics Nation.