In a few short hours, my wife, Kristine, and I will be headed, on a jetplane, to the fun-filled city of Las Vegas, where we will be through Wednesday, December 27th. While in Vegas, we will meet up with her mother, brother and assorted aunts and uncles. Though we will certainly find time for family dinners and celebration of the day, we will be largely left to ourselves, to see if we can put a dent in Nevada's coffers as amateur gamblers, or catching a show.
Molly, our 17-year-old beagle, is safe in the care of Kristine's father, and she will no doubt be spoiled with plenty of walks and treats, and hopefully won't cause too much mischief. But after Kristine's owned the pooch for a dozen years or so, she has a high standard of living to retain, and it will be a challenge for him to meet.
For each of you, I wish you a Merry Christmas. We will be back shortly, from a new locale.