August 21, 2006

A's Win 12-10 After Being Down by 8 Runs

A typical 2006 A's game is one where the winning team claims victory by benefit of sharp pitching and defense, so a slugfest like tonight's game in Toronto, where both teams tallied double digits on the scoreboard, is highly atypical. What made the game even more atypical was the way that the A's fell behind early to the tune of 8-0, and rallied back for the win, matching the franchise's biggest comeback of all time, achieved only once before.

Though at the office when the game started, I periodically checked in on the score early, only to find our heros on the short end of an early deficit, first 3-0, and later 8-0. On Athletics Nation, loyal posters were committing faux suicide and claimed the game was over. Usually, it would be, but tonight was one for the record books. In the top of the 3rd, the A's got to starting pitcher Ted Lilly, and banged him up to the tune of 7 runs, knocking him out. In fact, the knockouts didn't end there. In front of the TV cameras, Lilly had words with the manager, and news services are now saying the two exchanged blows, drawing blood. That can't be good for team morale.

But the A's were the ones with punch the rest of the way. On the back of a 4-5 night by Jason Kendall, three hits by Eric Chavez, and home runs by Bobby Kielty, Milton Bradley, and Jay Payton, the team most known for its light offense didn't let up until they had pulled off the unimaginable. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why they play baseball, and why every game goes nine innings. It ain't over until they say it's over. And after it's all done, the A's still have a five game lead in the division, and look like they have a strong chance to make the playoffs. We've already purchased our tickets, and are looking forward to it, especially after this night to remember.

Listening to ''People'', by Paul Van Dyk (Play Count: 4)