I got a pleasant surprise late this evening, when I visited
plasq.com, the creators of Comic Life, the software program I use to create
the ANtics comics each week. After having traded e-mails with the company's marketing manager about a month or so ago, he had elected to promote the ANtics on the site's user gallery, as an example of how customers were benefitting from Comic Life.
http://plasq.com/comiclife/gallery/The gallery features a "thumbnail" image of one comic, which when clicked, pops into the browser and shows the comic in full-screen mode, with a "Next" button to take you through 18 selected ANtics episodes. The final page links back to my own gallery on the
louisgray.com site.
I'm pleased in a very nerdy way. (It's the only way I know)

Listening to ''Saints & Sinners - Pushin Too'', by Bedrock (Play Count: 4)