April 22, 2006

Technical Difficulties

You know something's wrong when you're cheering the computer being at 39% power capacity, and the fact that I don't have to hold my finger on the power cord for a full three consecutive minutes while the thing's actually on, but here we are.

(It just started blinking again - 39%... 38%... grr...)

After a few months of this, including new Apple power adapters and third party gear, we haven't seen a solution, so we're scheduled for a visit to the Apple Store Genius Bar at Valley Fair at 8:40 tonight to look into it. While I dream it's just a need for a new battery, that's probably not going to be my luck, and I'm concerned they may want to take a look at it, inflicted four-digit damages, or worse, make me get a new one... which would be infuriating. So, in advance, I've backed up everything to the iPod, and hope that's overdoing it.

If they take machine away, louisgray.com could go dark, and there'd be no ANtics tomorrow. In advance, I blame Al Quaeda.

Listening to ''Father's Field'', by Traci Lords (Play Count: 8)