January 19, 2012

Two Numbers: 1 and 90 Million

By now, you all have seen the dual bits of news today - first that Google+ has achieved 90 million users with at least one new feature every single day, over 1 million businesses and brand pages, and sign in of 60% daily, 80% weekly.

Also, earlier today, Google was (for the 3rd time) named the best place to work by Fortune Magazine (see http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/best-companies/2012/snapshots/1.html). We're working on making Google+ the best place to be for you so you can be just as proud about these numbers and this news. To stay on top of all this great stuff, follow the+Google+ page, and make sure you don't miss an update from +Vic Gundotra or +Larry Page.

For those of you who believed in Google+ when we had 0 Million users, 10 Million users, 40 Million users and now 90 Million users... thank you. Keep providing feedback to make this place even better and tell all your friends who are waiting to be the next ones to join and be active.