August 09, 2010 Makes Inane Foursquare Check-ins Cool

Little warms a geek's heart like new and innovative data visualizations. With our every activity being tracked and reported as data - including our comings and goings, our preferences and purchases, we too are becoming part of that data graph. While each individual check-in to your favorite location based service may not pique your interest, a visualization of all your activity over months, displayed in chronological order, can take you out of humdrum land and make you look like a person of action. built and released a visualization of FourSquare activity this weekend, and it has already gotten quite a bit of use from those addicted to the new world of geolocation.

Now, all my silly check-ins at 7-Eleven, church, client offices and more, show me racing up and down the Peninsula, with the occasional jaunt into the East Bay (see the embedded video above). If you're a Foursquare user, and you want to relive your own life, start at and run your own visual.