August 20, 2010

iPad Facebook App Friendly Adds Support for Places

With Facebook's iPad app still missing in action, the Friendly Facebook browser has not only maintained a top position in Apple's iTunes store (currently ranking #4 for best-selling iPad apps and #8 for top grossing iPad apps), but it is keeping pace with continued updates from the world's largest social network. As has been much discussed throughout the tech Web, Facebook's launch of Places brought them squarely in the world of location based services (LBS), with functionality mirroring Foursquare. Through some fast coding, Friendly already has introduced support for Places in their app - letting you check in to Places, add venues and tag friends, just like the Web version, and Facebook's official apps.

The latest iteration of Friendly, upon login, features three main tabs, including the Live Feed, Events and Places. Places supplants the original third tab, which was Requests. (See: Friendly: The Best Facebook Experience for iPad)

The Newest Friendly Build Features Places

Adding a New Place via Friendly

As you would expect, the Places tab offers for you to "See where your friends are and share where you are." To check in to the place, just click the location pushpin, commonly associated with Google Maps, and select an existing location, or create a new one yourself.

Posting the Check-in to Facebook via Friendly

The Resulting Check-in and Tag on Facebook Places

Upon adding a place, you can add a description, and tag other Facebook friends who may be at the same location - just like the Web site.

The implementation of Places within Friendly is very straight forward, and looks like pulls data from the mobile-optimized version of Facebook, at, which no doubt speeded the coding. You can grab the Friendly app from iTunes for $4.99.