May 17, 2010

Overheard: Qwotebook Goes Live for Notable Quotables

Following the site's March debut, Qwotebook has been racking up an archive of interesting quotes - from history and from the present - as the site's earliest users stored interesting quotes from friends, from public figures, and random strangers who may have said something remembering. Tonight, and you can quote me on it, the site opens up to all, without needing an invite code - letting you start posting quotes, and their context, and follow friends' quotes.

Paul Buchheit @paultoo on Mocking Unintelligent Political Complainers

In the last six weeks, Qwotebook has been working behind the scenes to integrate with the big players in the world of social networking, first by implementing Twitter's @Anywhere, so you can connect directly to folks quoted from Twitter, and with tonight's roll-out, the ability to log in with Facebook connect, and post "liked" quotes (or Qwotes) to your wall.

Adam Ostrow @adamostrow on Obama's Potential Agenda

The concept is simple, but the collection of interesting "nuggets of knowledge", as the team put it, have, so far, been without a home - despite us having archives for things like videos, photos, people and articles all over the Web. And as the team promised in a blog post tonight: "Join us, because what you see today on Qwotebook isn’t anywhere close to what you’re going to see next week, next month, or next year. You can Qwote us on that."

Start your own Qwotebook at You can find me at