May 10, 2010

Edge Theory Conversations: Location's Impact & Cheating

With the world of location based services, including Foursquare and Gowalla, getting a lot of discussion of late, especially as news comes that Facebook will soon check in with its own offering, Louis Gray and Chris Saad discuss the purpose today's services serve, and how we both leverage Foursquare - the current app of choice.

Are these services here to stay, and should they be used to show all of one's comings and goings, or just major points of interest? Chris argues Foursquare should be used in a social way, while Louis is enjoying checking in from the mundane places in life. Meanwhile, we debate the true nature of "cheating", and whether it is acceptable or not.

Much of this discussion stems my recent post: Are You Filtering Checkins to Enhance Your Image?

Referenced in addition to Foursquare, Gowalla and Facebook are Twitter, Stalqer and The Cadmus. Chris is an advisor to Stalqer.

This and all other EdgeTheory conversations can be found on the dedicated ET Conversations site.

Listen to the full recording below: