February 13, 2009

Twickie Lets You Post All Your Twitter Replies to Your Blog

Just a few years ago, one could safely assume the majority of blogging conversations took place on the blog itself. Today, the conversation has been fractured, not just in terms of having comments on your blog posts on any number of aggregation sites, but also, of course, on microblogging services, like Twitter. So far, attempts to bring back replies and conversation to your blog from Twitter have been awkward. A new program, called Twickie, hosted on Chris Pirillo's domain, does the hard work of finding your replies and delivering you the necessary HTML, letting you bring your responses back to the blog in an easy way.

To start on the site, enter your Twitter name and password, find the Tweet you want to copy over, and then click the button labeled "Get @s". Pick the up arrow to get descending replies, and the down arrow to see them ascending.

Then, choose the HTML or CSS code and copy it into your post. Done. For example:

jordanwillms: wild eh? But I suppose an active follow is better than a random click thru on a traditional banner ad. Your perspective?
about 2 days ago
dcfemella: That's crazy.
about 2 days ago
jeffsonstein: a very strange revenue source. amazed at the public ego required to pay for that.
about 2 days ago
billso: Paying for placement seems like a great way to attract #419ers and #spammers .
about 2 days ago
stanleyyork: you use to have to pay for gmail? re: http://ff.im/118oa
about a day ago
tandriamirado: Liked "People are paying $500 _a week_ to be featured on TwitterCounter, and have their #'s go up. Insane...." http://ff.im/118oa
about a day ago
tandriamirado: I prefer to never be a Social Media super star than paying for it (cheating)! Even if Soc. Meds lead for business opportunities.
about a day ago

Copy. Paste. Done! That's it! Check it out at: http://twickie.pirillo.com/