February 13, 2009

I'm Not Using Brightkite, and It Has Zero to Do With Privacy, Security

Sometimes, I bump into the occasional person who thinks we are too transparent online. How could I possibly expose my phone number and e-mail address to people? And isn't there some risk to talking about my twins online, knowing I live in Sunnyvale, California, and revealing their real first and last names? But I haven't acquiesced. I prefer being transparent and responsive to inquiries from practically anyone. That said, I haven't taken the next step, to provide updates to where I am at all times, through services like BrightKite.

Rob Diana, earlier this week, discussed how location-based services are growing in popularity, as evidenced by the recent addition of the option to include such data in GMail. (See: You Don't Need To Know Where This Rant Was Written) But as much as I would like to raise the flag of privacy or security, and go on my own rant about how it's none of your business where I am, the truth is that pretty much the only reason I haven't installed BrightKite is because of how predictable and dreadfully boring my updates would be - thanks to our consistent routine.

Can you imagine?


Louis checked in @ the office.
Louis checked in @ lunch.
Louis checked in @ home.


Louis checked in @ the office.
Louis checked in @ lunch.
Louis checked in @ Safeway.
Louis checked in @ home.


Louis checked in @ the office.
Louis checked in @ lunch.
Louis checked in @ home.


Louis checked in @ the barber shop.
Louis checked in @ the gas station.
Louis checked in @ home.


Louis checked in @ church.
Louis checked in @ home.

Yeah... it's that bad. As you can imagine, since Matthew and Sarah debuted in June, we're not getting out much. And it's not like we were really getting out all that much before - as you can probably tell with all the blogging, FriendFeeding and Tweeting. BrightKite and other services might have been more interesting during my trip to Boulder, Colorado, but even my trip to Las Vegas from Sunday through Wednesday would have been mind-numbing:


Louis checked in @ Las Vegas International Airport
Louis checked in @ the Excalibur

Louis checked in @ Kinkos
Louis checked in @ the Excalibur


Louis checked in @ Las Vegas International Airport

I kid you not. That's what it would be like. Sometimes, I'll peek at the BrightKites from folks I know, like Micah Baldwin, but even his life seems more varied than my own. Maybe I should look into getting a very minor version of BrightKite to liven it up a bit:


Louis checked in @ the couch
Louis checked in @ the fridge
Louis checked in @ the kids' bedroom
Louis checked in @ the TV
Louis checked in @ the couch
Louis checked in @ the fridge

Or... not. So... Corvida said on February 4 that Google Latitude is Viral Marketing for Brightkite, but for someone who is so dull, why would I even look at using this product? Teach me.