March 01, 2008

State of the Blog: February 2008 Recap

February 2008 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published to date: 1,228

Total stories published in February: 41
(About 1.4 per day, down from 1.9 in January)

Total stories in February with comments: 36
(87% of all stories, from 37 and 64% in January)

Total comments on February posts: 135
(About 3.3 per post, 3.8 per commented post)

Technorati Authority Ranking: 261 (up 70)
Feedburner Peak in Month: 621 subscribers (up 183)
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 26 subscribers (up 6)
MyBlogLog Members: 67 (up 17)

Twitter Followers: 167 (Newly tracked)
FriendFeed Followers: 162 (Newly tracked)

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12: 2nd overall, behind January.
(If you divide visitors/days, it's pretty close. Visitors/posts set a record.)

Blog Value Estimator: $147,344.94

You can see January's momentum largely continued through February, despite fewer posts.

Top Five Most Visited February Stories (According to Analog)

1. FeedBurner Quietly Kills All-Time RSS Feed Stats
2. LinkRiver Enters Life Streaming Fray, Focused on Link Blogs
3. Yahoo! Calls Microsoft Cheap, Will Reject Offer
4. Warning: Google Reader Congestion of Up to Five Hours
5. Expanding and Explaining the Early Adopter Role

Others receiving votes: Companies That Listen to Their Users Will Win In the End, Dear LazyWeb, Won't Somebody Notice RSSMeme's Updates?, AssetBar Proposes Solution to Twitter Scaling Problem, AssetBar Adds River of News, Extends New Invites, and FriendFeed Admits They Know Me Pretty Well...

Top Five Visited Archive Stories (According to Analog)

1. Watch Every Episode of The Simpsons Online - Free
2. Rating Burner Debuts With RSS Feed Ranking, Growth Stats
3. I Have Seen the Future of Social RSS Feed Readers
4. Add Items to Your Google Reader Link Blog Without Subscribing
5. Kudos to Mashable, and Three Links Their Way

As anticipated, I just didn't have as much time to devote to the blog in February as I did in January, with things getting quite busy offline. I revealed my wife and I are now expecting twins, and are about 20 weeks along. This just might impact future schedules, as can work, travel, etc. During February, I was glad to introduce the new blog design for, and some critical pages which best explain what the blog is about, as well as tracking coverage, and hope to keep advancing forward. On to March!

To keep on top of things, subscribe via RSS, via e-mail, follow me on Friendfeed or Twitter, or keep watch on our shared link blog!