November 01, 2007

State of the Blog: October 2007 Recap

October 2007 In Summary (Archive Page)

Total stories published to date: 1,040

Total stories published in October: 56
(About 1.8 per day, up from 1.4 in September)

Total stories with comments: 36
(64% of all stories, up from 18 and 44% in September)

Total comments on October posts: 85
(About 1.5 per post, 2.4 per commented post)

Technorati Authority Ranking: 101 (up 4)
Feedburner Peak in Month: 180 subscribers (up 56)
Feedblitz E-mail Subscribers: 14 subscribers (up 1)
MyBlogLog Members: 35 (up 4)

Monthly Traffic Rank in Last 12: 1st All-Time! (by a healthy margin)

Blog Value Estimator: $57,018.54

Top Five Most Visited October Stories (According to Summary)

1. Facebook Google Reader App Rebrands as Feedheads
2. Eight Reasons the Apple TV is Failing, and How It Can be Saved
3. Alexa Web Statistics Show Old Media Influence Nosedive
4. How to See an iPod Touch Your Web site
5. Google Reader Chokes On Scoble Shared Items

Others receiving votes: LDS Church Streaming Conference Live Via the Web, Our Intel Mac Is Back, Tech Blog Link Power: Spiky Visitors or Sticky Visitors? and In Absence of Google Innovation, A-List Ranks Feeds

Top Five Visited Archive Stories (According to Summary)

1. Soft-Core Porn, Sex Themes Power Google Video
2. Watch Every Episode of The Simpsons Online - Free
3. Geeking Out With a New MacBook Pro
4. Slingbox Going Corporate Before I Get One!
5. Color Customized iPhones Look Delicious

While the top two results here are steady month after month, I was pleased to see follow-on posts re: Google Video to slip away, and more people coming here to read about geeky technology, rather than use me as a conduit for their other habits.

October was a tremendous month for the blog, in terms of traffic and exposure. Highlights from Robert Scoble linking in, to MacSurfer, the occasional TechMeme and numerous bloggers adding my posts to their shared feeds have led to continued growth and consistent traffic. In October, we saw total visitors 22% higher than the previous record set in April, and a gaudy 77% higher than September's statistics, the previous #2 record holder. While I've said before that I don't have major goals for this blog, I definitely want to start each month with a goal of beating last month's activity. Now, the threshold has been dramatically raised.