October 07, 2006

louisgray.com: Site Redesign Details

If you've visited this site more than once, you may have noticed a somewhat radical change overnight. The site's dominant color has morphed from a dark purple to a light blue, the sidebar has switched sides, from right to left, and a number of under the hood changes have taken place.

So why the change?

Given the Web site has my name in the URL, I am going to constantly tinker until I find the ideal way to deliver content. Though happy with the ability to post new items quickly with RapidWeaver, I have been disappointed with some elements of the program - most notably how the theme I was using handled subpages or permalinks.

Ideally, when visitors come to read a specific post or page, they should see that the page is part of a bigger structure, and not orphaned. It should retain elements of the site, such as the title, directory or sidebar. The old theme didn't do this, so I had a lot of visitors to permalinks who had nowhere to go, and left. Now, with this newer theme, the permalinks retain linkage to their category, and the all-important sidebar and navigation. It's much, much better.

For example: A permalink page before the change | How that page looks now with the new theme

Does this mean the end of change? Of course not. I'm not sure that the light blue is ideal, or that the fonts are perfect, etc. But now, I have a better platform to start from to make continued changes. Stick around - we just might get it right after a while.

Listening to ''I'm a Big Sister, and I'm a Girl, and I'm a Princess, and this is my Horse'', by Underworld (Play Count: 3)