I drove up to Cupertino and met a kind man who said he could take care of everything, cheaply, and get it finished, all by this afternoon. He took down my name and phone number, and I swore I would be back between 4:30 and 5 to pick them up.
Then I went grocery shopping, put everything away, and settled in to watch the A's game. With the A's game completed, I wrote the previous post, and relaxed, ready to endure what may be a long, cold, winter, baseball free. Then I looked at my one remaining good watch, and noted the time: 6:30. I had completely forgotten my appointment, and the kind old man who no doubt got everything done I had asked, was left to shut down his store without seeing me tonight. Also, given he had asked me to pay upon receipt, he hasn't gotten anything for his efforts either.
Wow - do I feel bad. But I can't go over there now, as the store's closed, and it will be closed Sunday and Monday as well. I may have to trek up there on Tuesday as soon as I can, and deeply apologize. It may be a bigger deal to me than it is to him, but I sure do feel like a louse.