August 10, 2011

Subjot Subject-based Sharing To Help You Follow Interests

Social networks can be a messy clot of randomness, even when you're extremely selective on who you choose to connect with. The reason? Because people talk about all sorts of things, from the casual to professional, inanity and newsworthy. People display a wide variety of interests when they show their true selves. Subjot, an interesting twist on the update and follow structure so closely affiliated with Twitter, invites you to follow relevant updates from your friends by pairing the posting and following model with tags, essentially asking you to select just what updates you want to see from your friends instead of others. This way, if you want to see my tech updates but not updates around my family or sports, you simply don't have to - assuming I tag correctly.

In invitation-only beta right now, Subjot asks you to "jot your thought" of up to 250 characters, and choose a single subject for each update, selecting from one you've previously used, creating a new subject, or one the community already uses. If your friends follow your updates in that particular interest, it will end up on their timelines - and if they don't, they won't see it, barring visiting your profile directly.

Subjot Posts on Tech and Life With Embedded Comments

In another variance from the traditional Twitter model, Subjot allows for comments to be appended to each update, presenting a parent and child metaphor, where reactions from followers are nested below the original jot. Jots with activity display the number of comments, in addition to the timestamp and applied tag.

Finding People Jotting About Movies on Subjot

Browsing Additional Topics on Subjot

Chris Carella, who co-created Subjot with his wife last year after noticing that his fickle Twitter followers would increase or decrease depending on his changing subject matter, has posted more than 2,000 jots on a range of 64 subjects. With such a range, you can start to see how his most frequently updated topics (currently tech, life and music) start to build in weight with hundreds of updates each. I may care about his insight on Subjot itself, and care less about his NFL updates, much like he probably doesn't want to hear updates on my three kids or how I think the A's are doing in their division.

A Post from Micah Baldwin on Subjot from June

With the volume per Subjot user being filtered based on your preferences and their updates, it looks like Subjot could present a quieter, more on-topic alternative to Twitter, one that has information you care about in your stream and less about what you don't. It's essentially Google+ Circles designed by your followers, not designed by you to contain your followers. My earliest Subjot content is hiding in plain sight here: