September 09, 2010

Cadmus Introduces API for Tweet Relevance

There's no question the market for determining personal relevance is a hot one. In addition to my6sense, which you've no doubt heard a lot about from me on this week and last, one of the more interesting players in this space is The Cadmus. After debuting in November of last year as a real-time stream filter to eliminate duplicates, the company found a solid position determining personalized aspects of Twitter, including trending topics, which launched in February, and trends by list the following month. Now, the company is branching out with an API that lets other Twitter clients tap into Cadmus for personal relevance.
The Cadmus At Work in TweetAgora, Tapping Their New API

If this sounds a lot like what my6sense is doing - that's because it is! my6sense introduced an attention API earlier this March at the DEMO conference, letting partners order all streams, from RSS to Twitter and Facebook, by relevance. With information overload being a serious problem for most active social networkers, and few content sources and clients doing much more than offering streams ordered by chronology, there is clearly a gap to be filled.

Cadmus is also teaming up with a lesser-known Twitter client called TweetAgora to raise the visibility of the good stuff while hiding the rest. TweetAgora highlights the opportunity as "Find the goods." and "Filter the junk.", including muting tweets by keyword, muting individuals, conversations, and blocking specific services, including Foursquare, Gowalla and Formspring.

Muting individuals has been closely associated with Twitter client Brizzly, from ThingLabs, and SocialToo, Jesse Stay's company, who I advise, also offers the option to mute or unfollow people by keyword, and to unfollow people based on the service used to update Twitter.

Cadmus' ability to launch an API with an active partner is a solid start, and the company is actively seeking out partners. You just might hear about some of their news tonight during an event with Seesmic.

To download TweetAgora, featuring Cadmus, head to the iTunes store here.

Disclosures: I am vice president of Marketing at my6sense, an assumed competitor of The Cadmus. I am also an unpaid advisor to SocialToo.