July 02, 2010

Blogger Rolls Out Real-Time Stats for All Users

Initially targeted as one of the launches included in the service's 10-year anniversary, Blogger tonight introduced integrated Web statistics for its users that rival the more robust Google Analytics, but are simple to manage, and update in near real-time, giving the millions and millions of blogs that rely on Blogger greater insight into their visitor traffic, including top pages, referral data, browser data, and their country of origin.

Like you would expect from any good analytics package, the new offering displays popular search keywords to find out what your visitors are looking for, as well as showing you peaks and valleys in your daily traffic.

Blogger Stats Display Analytics for Every Blog In Real-Time

Top Pages Displayed In Blogger's Stats

The new stats package is available in the service's Blogger In Draft mode, under the "Stats" tab for all users, with no required code to install, or configuration. For those looking for deep details in analytics, including bounce rates, campaigns and ad conversions, Google Analytics is clearly more detailed, but the Blogger statistics are rapidly accessible and bring the information to the users every time they log in.

Pageviews are Cut By Time, Shown In Aggregate

If you're a Blogger user, make sure to draft.blogger.com and click stats to see for yourself.