June 09, 2010

50 Top Startups Worth Watching

Alongside this morning's launch of Symbaloo in the US, I prepared a list of 50 top startups that I am watching. Challenged to rank the 50 from one to fifty in terms of both interest and viability, it proved to be a challenging task, but I can make a good case for all included, as well as their position. Of course, no list is without its omissions and second guesses. I am sure that if I ran this exercise 10 times, I would get a different list 10 times.

With the understanding that being a private company does not always mean you are a startup, I looked below the uber-players such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Groupon, Craigslist, Tesla, and others, with a focus primarily on Web services, with a tendency toward social, and apps I am using frequently. I am more than happy to share with you the list, and it would be great to hear those you think I left off the list and missed, or how this is off base. Thanks to Symbaloo being out there, I hope to keep similar lists updated on my Webmix.

Without further ado...
  1. Foursquare http://www.foursquare.com
  2. Spotify http://www.spotify.com
  3. Automattic http://automattic.com/
  4. Posterous http://www.posterous.com
  5. Blippy http://www.blippy.com
  6. SlideShare http://www.slideshare.com
  7. Tumblr http://www.tumblr.com
  8. TweetDeck http://www.tweetdeck.com
  9. Square http://squareup.com/
  10. Quora http://www.quora.com

  11. CinchCast: http://cinchcast.com/
  12. Sports Blog Nation http://www.sbnation.com
  13. Bit.ly http://www.bit.ly
  14. my6sense http://www.my6sense.com
  15. Thing Labs http://brizzly.com/
  16. Plancast http://www.plancast.com
  17. Seesmic     http://www.seesmic.com
  18. Lunch http://www.lunch.com
  19. Gowalla http://www.gowalla.com
  20. DropBox http://www.dropbox.com

  21. Lazyfeed http://www.lazyfeed.com
  22. Hunch http://www.hunch.com
  23. Ecademy http://www.ecademy.com
  24. Xobni http://www.xobni.com
  25. Tweetmeme http://www.tweetmeme.com
  26. Feedly http://www.feedly.com
  27. Klout http://www.klout.com
  28. Justin.tv http://www.justin.tv
  29. Amplify http://www.amplify.com
  30. OneRiot http://www.oneriot.com

  31. Lijit http://www.lijit.com
  32. Echo http://aboutecho.com/
  33. MyLikes http://www.mylikes.com
  34. Outbrain http://www.outbrain.com
  35. DailyBooth http://dailybooth.com/
  36. Gist http://www.gist.com
  37. Soluto http://www.soluto.com
  38. Tungle http://www.tungle.me
  39. Qwotebook http://www.qwotebook.com
  40. Regator http://www.regator.com

  41. Untitled Startup http://www.untitledstartup.com/
  42. Twazzup http://www.twazzup.com/
  43. The Cadmus http://thecadmus.com/
  44. Branchr http://www.branchr.com
  45. Graphic.ly http://www.graphic.ly/
  46. BlockChalk http://blockchalk.com/
  47. FitBit http://www.fitbit.com/
  48. RockMelt http://www.rockmelt.com/
  49. Live Intent http://www.liveintent.com/
  50. Fabulis http://www.fabulis.com
Disclosures: Symbaloo and my6sense are clients of Paladin Advisors Group, where I am managing director of new media. In addition, I am an advisor to MyLikes and have previously done work with Ecademy.