November 06, 2009

Brizzly and Seesmic Web Get Into Twitter Lists Game

At this point, it's almost getting easier to see which popular Twitter clients have not yet added Twitter Lists support than it is to track those that have enabled support, as in the last 12 hours, both Brizzly, a product from Thing Labs, and Seesmic Web, Seesmic Desktop's sexier counterpart, have weighed in with their support for the increasingly utilized Twitter Lists functionality. Assuming TweetDeck wraps up their support shortly, as they have promised, and we hear something from Tweetie, all the majors will have reported for duty.

Brizzly Highlights Integrated Lists Support

Brizzly, having supported Web grouping from the day it was introduced, had the simpler job of converting its existing groups that you had made into Twitter lists, tapping Twitter's API. If you had existing groups, as I did, they would display both in Brizzly and Twitter's Web interface as private lists, and you could opt to update them, or delete them from either app. Like with Twitter's interface, clicking on the list shows you the updates from people you have grouped, and no more.

Seesmic Web Now Supports Lists (Click for Larger Image)

For Seesmic Web, the introduction of lists is the first time such grouping functionality has made it to their app. The company has supported groups on Seesmic Desktop for some time, and added list support on Monday, but the Web version had been lacking. Twitter's List API made the move much simpler, so this morning, Loic LeMeur's Web service turned on the functionality, showing lists you have made or subscribed to in your sidebar, below your direct messages, and above searches.

Also added to Seesmic Web is a simple Trending Topics list that echoes the top items trending on Twitter.

With the adds, both services are essentially offering users a full package when it comes to Twitter's functionality, and the decision as to which to use comes as much down to the user interface as a feature war. Should be interesting to see both what TweetDeck and Tweetie will do, as well as what Twitter has planned next to kick off another round of updates.