November 05, 2008

Event Calendar: Panel on Emerging Media (November 11th)

For those of you located in the San Francisco Bay Area, you may want to check out an interactive discussion coming this next week, presented by PR Newswire, titled "Focus on Emerging Media - Where Are We Now, Where Are We Going".

Chris Heuer, Social Media Strategist at Social Media LLC, Tom Foremski, Editor of and I will be participating on a panel, and it would be great to have you in attendance, so long as you sign up by Friday, November 7th.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Breakfast and Registration: 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Presentation: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Hyatt Regency Santa Clara
Bayshore Room
5101 Great America Pkwy
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Communications professionals have more opportunities than ever before to reach target audiences in the communities in which they congregate, but the trick is knowing what tools will help you reach these audiences and how to engage them once you've made contact. This interactive discussion, led by PR Newswire's Director of Emerging Media Michael Pranikoff, will explore the new tools and technologies, and how to best utilize them to communicate an organization's message to its intended audiences.

Want to Attend?
Sign up before November 7th here.

See you there!