Also debuting today: The addition of a new feed called "Everyone", showing all activity on the Toluu service, and an enhanced "Activity" feed with greater clarity and larger user avatars, to show recent activity from you and your friends.
Toluu's Brand-New Everyone Feed In Action
Despite still being in the stage of invite-only beta, Caleb reports the site has gained thousands of users, and Toluu is now tracking more than 100,000 individual feeds.
With this wealth of data, he's even considering showing the most popular subscribed feeds, or most favorited, should it add value. As he wrote me in an GMail Chat session yesterday, "I need to make sure there is a great deal of value to showing a leaderboard. Right now, Toluu is very tech focused, so it is more interesting than Technorati's Top 100 for tech users."
But that, of course, is for another day.
Toluu's Twitter integration is customizable, and absolutely an option for Toluu users, not being enabled by default. If you're looking to get your hands on Toluu, leave me a note in the comments with your e-mail address, and I'll get you one pronto.
See also:
CenterNetworks: Toluu Helps You Like What Your Friends Like
ReadWriteWeb: 10 Reasons Why You're Going to Love Toluu Toluu Looking Like a Real Winner
SheGeeks: Toluu Activities Includes Twitter Integration
Jeff Is a Geek: Toluu Adds Twitter And Strengthens Its Streams